Monday, November 23, 2015

Error Code: NW-31456-9

On Sunday, November 22nd, 2015, something terrible happened. I was playing Destiny TTK and got my behind handed to me in Iron Banner, it was horrible. Stormcallers obliterated me with there lightning grenades, Titans violated me with their big flaming hammers, and Hunters sniped me from across the map. It was as if every time I spawned into the Widows Court I was Destined to get annihilated, and there was no visible way to server the bonds of fate that bound me to such misery.

But that isn't what this post is about, something even more confusing took part shortly after my defeat in Destiny. I decided "hey, some people might get a kick out of this" and so I  went into the share factory to edit clips from that match. After successfully removing all the embarrassing deaths, afk kills do to my throwing my controller around from frustration, and missing a full clip of sniper ammo because I can't aim to save my life. I was ready to upload my new video to YouTube, or so I thought.

"Upload failed." Hmm, okay, shall we try again.
"Upload failed." Hmm, okay, it happens.
"Upload failed." Grrrrr. Why is this happening?
"Upload failed." Bruh, seriously? Okay, I got something for you.
*Settings - Network - View Connection Status - Test Connection*
Okay, everything seems to be in order, let's get this video uploaded it's getting late. "Upload failed." Ughhhhh!
Why? Soooo frustrating, okay. Let's do this then
*Power Options - Restart PS4*
*Turns on PS4* Okay, let's try again shall we? Work this time. Please?
"Upload failed." . . . Hmm, is this really happening?
Let's take to the internet shall we?
*15 Minutes Later* Ah! So I'm not the only one who's had this issue, it says here: "Delete your upload history, download history, notifications, unplug system for 30 seconds. Enjoy."
*Follows Directions...
Error code NW-31456-9 - Check Connection Status*

Hmm, why won't my notifications delete? *Attempts To Delete Notifications. . . Error code NW-31456-9*
Okay, this is getting annoying. *Surfs Internet* Oh okay, apparently this is "common" as well. It says here:
"Unfortunately there is no real none fix, phone Sony, good luck." 
Bruh.. Fine, I'll call.
*Calls PlayStation Gaming Support Number. . . 
"Sorry, our office hours are..." hangs up angrily* Ughhh!

Frustrated, I ask my lovely girlfriend to get me some ice-cream, it really soothes the soul. After messaging some buddies via Google Hangouts to see if anyone could think of a solution, we decided the best solution was to just speak with a Sony representative. "Lionheart, didn't you just state the offices were closed?"

Yes, yes I did. However, if you go to the PlayStation website you can contact a Sony representative on the website in a sort of messaging system they have set up. Warning! Be prepared to be on hold for up to a maximum of 15 minutes (my personal wait time was 3 minutes, not bad). *Note: As I was speaking to the rep, the conversation dragged on past offices hours for the online support team as well*

I explained my situation to the representative, and after about 15 minutes of trying various troubleshooting techniques, we found a solution to my bug. *Note: the bug still exist, if I check my notifications it's still full with old notifications.* I was instructed to do the following:

*Turn Off The PlayStation 4 - Press And Hold Power Button For 7 Seconds To Enter Safe Mode - Connect Dual Shock 4 Controller With Provided USB Cable And Press The Power Button On The Controller - Restore Default Settings - Turn Off My ISP Router - Turn On ISP Router After 30 Seconds - Begin Setting Up The PlayStation 4 - View Connection Status - Test Connection*

I went into my notifications and tried to clear them out, but the bug still exist. HOWEVER! I was able to receive new notifications, meaning that my notifications aren't "Full." So I tried to upload the video that began this long, depressing, 3 hour hell. And to my surprise and relief, the video uploaded flawlessly, and my connection speed was lightning fast. Faster than it's ever been, I was so happy that I went and go another bowl of ice-cream! Lol, so why do I love PlayStation? Because the representative I spoke listened to my calm, respectful, and very informative explanation of what I was experiencing for about 10 or 15 minutes. And then for about another additional 15 walked me through various troubleshooting techniques. And when that failed he was able to walk me through what proved to be a solution for my problem. Spending around 30 - 40 minutes helping me, when I know after the first 5 minutes of the conversation the online technical support hours had just ended. Honestly, he could have said "Sorry Sir, we are closing. Please contact our offices in the morning to resolve your issues, sorry. Thank you for choosing PlayStation." Or something like that, but instead he stayed and helped. I'm grateful, after having my PlayStation 4 for a grand total of 11 months this honestly was my first problem. And I was able to get it resolved, so I am happy. Just wanted to share my trouble with you guys, and if anyone ever experiences this problem, here is how you can fix it.


  1. Very nice information Lion. =D
    I hope you are able to help others with this. =)
    Also, good to know PSN employees are nice! =(^,.,^)=

    1. Thank you, and that is the goal my friend. To help others

  2. This is great to know since my girlfriend is getting a PS4 soon. It's nice to have this information; just in case. Good work. You're doing great.

    1. Thank you bro, glad my post was able to shed some knowledge upon you. Hopefully, she never has this issue

  3. Nicely done sir! Keep this in mind for my YouTube channel :)
